DIY 10 home remedies to whiten teeth

I am excited to share these techniques with you because I have had great success with them.
Some of them look a bit goofy but they are all worth a try to see which one works best for you! If you are concerned about fruit acids, baking soda etc on your teeth make sure you ask a dentist first - in my experience it is no different to eating those fruits, especially if you brush afterwards and do not leave the fruits juices on your teeth for too long.
I am grossed out to look back on the milk tip... try dairy alternatives!
1: strawberries and baking soda
2 baking soda and apple cider vinegar
3 olive oil rinse - oil pulling properly is better than 'rubbing'!4 rub teeth with banana peel
5 rub teeth with citrus peel
6 add pinch of salt to daily toothpaste
7 eat an apple a day
8 add milk to coffee and tea (coconut milk is good)
9 increase intake of dairy and other high calcium foods
10 decrease consumption of caffeinated drinks

DIY 10 home remedies to whiten teeth DIY 10 home remedies to whiten teeth Reviewed by Unknown on October 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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