Natural Home Remedies For Fast Hair Growth and long hair natural remedy

Egg Yolk Mask

If your hair breaks before it gets past your shoulders, an egg mask will be your savior. Eggs contain lecithin and protein, which strengthen, nourish, and heal your strands. Plus, their high sulfur content might even help your pesky dandruff problem.
To make the mask, mix two eggs with two tablespoons of olive oil. If the stickiness bothers you, you can add half a cup of water to dilute the mixture. Apply the mask directly to dry, brushed, hair, and leave it on for up to thirty minutes. Then, just shampoo and condition as usual for stronger strands.


Natural Home Remedies For Fast Hair Growth and long hair natural remedy Natural Home Remedies For Fast Hair Growth and long hair natural remedy Reviewed by Unknown on October 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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